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  • How does drop off and pick up work?
    Drop off begins at 9am and pick up is at 3:30. There is no early or late daycare so it is crucial that your child is not dropped off early or picked up late. If your daughter will be picked up by someone other than a parent, please make sure they are on your Permission to Release list/form.
  • What are the directions to camp?
    The entrance to Henry Cowell for our camp is off of Highway 9 in the overflow picnic area. You cannot get there from the campground entrances off of Graham Hill Road.
  • When is creek walking and what will my child need?
    Creeking walking is on a different day for each unit. You can find which day your child will be creek walking by asking their unit leader. On the day that your child has creek walking they should bring: - Water shoes or old tennis shoes that can get wet (you must have closed-toed shoes to go creekwalking) - Towel - T-shirt to wear during creekwalking to prevent sunburn - Change of clothes - Plastic bag for wet clothes - Life vest (optional; the creek is deep in some places and sometimes there is a current; if your child is not a strong swimmer, consider sending a life vest with them)
  • Who stays overnight and what will they need?
    There will be no overnight for Enchanted Forest 2024. The girls 4th grade and older will stay until 9:00PM on Thursday night for campfire. Dinner will be provided.
  • What do I need to know about parking?
    Use your parking pass for both drop-off and pick-up. Passes are attached here for you to print as many as you need, and you may pick up an additional pass from us if needed. You MUST stop at the kiosk each day and show the ranger on duty. Please, please, please observe all posted speed limits within Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park or you will be ticketed. We are guests here this week, and our traffic impacts walkers, runners, horse people, dog walkers, other drivers and wildlife. Please do not jeopardize our ability to have camp at this park. Thank you in advance for your courtesy. Anyone staying longer than 15 minutes must pay the $10 parking fee.
  • What does my child need to bring everyday?
    - Help your daughter observe the camp dress code: closed-toed and closed-heeled shoes, no tank tops, no shorty-shorts, no bare tummies, no uniforms. - Please wear camp shirt every day. - Dress in layers – bring a sweatshirt or light jacket for cool mornings. - There will be lots of walking/hiking, so wear comfortable walking shoes. - Apply sunscreen and lip balm daily before arriving at camp (bring extra to reapply during the day). - Put your child’s name on all belongings (jacket, water bottle, lunch, backpack). - Please bring a lunch and water bottle every day (except Friday, we will be providing lunch, but still bring your water bottle). - Please bring mess kit (plate, utensils, cup in a dunk bag) on Friday for lunch. Girls going into fourth grade and up will need one for Thursday night dinner and the day that they have specialty cooking. We will tell you on the first day of camp which day it will be.
  • If my child needs medication, what should I do?"
    If your child needs medication at camp it must be administered by the first aider. The only exceptions are inhalers and epipens which may be carried by the camper or the unit leader. Please bring the medication in its original container with your child's name and directions to first aid and the first aider will administer it. Don't forget to pick up the medication at the end of camp!
  • Who can come to camp?
    Girls who are entering 1st grade and have completed kindergarden through girls entering 7th grade are invited to be campers. Those above 7th grade are welcome to help as volunteers. Everyone that comes to camp (except boys and children under age 6) needs to be registered with GSUSA in order to be covered by insurance. If you are not yet registered you can visit this link. Please register with GSUSA before you register for camp. If a parent is a full time volunteer, then all of their children are welcome to come to camp. We have a unit for children under age 6 and a boys unit for boys age 6-12.
  • When is cooking and what will my child need?
    Cooking is for girls in grade 4th and up. It is on a different day for each unit. You can check with your childs unit leader to see which day she will have cooking. Please ensure your child has a plate, bowl, cup, and silverware in a dunk bag, labeled with your child’s name, on this day.
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